True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At Web-Wizards, we are proud of having a real cloud web hosting platform – every single service is run on a separate machine, which implies that all your web sites will invariably load quickly even if the system is overloaded. This cloud hosting system was entirely developed by us with a focus on scalability and stability, and is backed up by a ninety–nine point nine percent uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

Web site control rendered easy and simple

Site control has been now made simpler. Our point & click Website Control Panel puts all typical website administration duties at your fingertips. You can upload documents with simple drag & drop movements, handle all the settings of your domains and sites by one location, register and transfer numerous domain names, create and manage numerous e–mail boxes, run email marketing campaigns, create MySQL databases, order SSL Certificates to protect your clients, etcetera. Exhaustive statistics will keep you up–to–date with all visits and activities on your web sites.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Data Backups

Ever lost your site content? Turn to our data backup solution

When published on the web, your site content is normally susceptible to hack attacks. It can be affected even by your very own personal unintentional actions. If you turn to us, there’s nothing to worry about, considering that we maintain a backup copy of your site content, which will be restored whenever you want. Besides, you may create manual back–up copies of your whole website with one mouse click using the File Manager, which is incorporated into the Website Control Panel. The system will successfully restore all website files and will store them in a ZIP file, which will be kept in your account.

Data Backups

VPN Access

Safe, anonymous web site browsing

If you want to stay truly anonymous whilst exploring the Internet, we offer you a simple and effective solution. With all our cloud web hosting plans, you’ll be able to acquire VPN access. We will forward your entire inbound and outbound traffic through one of our VPN data centers, making your electronic footprint untrackable. And you will have VPN access regardless of what web–connected device you are using.

VPN Access