Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Don’t worry about your web sites hosted on our cloud platform

We’ve created our own cloud web hosting system where stability of performance is a chief concern. Considering that the service load is evenly distributed across a couple of physical servers, your websites will continue to load unbelievably fast even in the event of the server is under stress. This also suggests that the hosting platform is much less vulnerable to hacker or distributed denial–of–service attacks.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Solid–State Drives

Momentarily boost the loading speed of your website

In case you would like to give your website a top speed boost, all you need to do is just to host it with us. All our cloud web hosting machines are fitted out with solid–state disks, so on each machine you’ll take full advantage of incomparable read ’n’ write speeds, which will make your site amazingly fast.

With the exceptional online connectivity offered by all our cloud web hosting Data Center Facilities, your website will begin working significantly quicker without the need for any additional modifications from you.

Solid–State Drives


A secure and safe web app firewall software

All our cloud web hosting packs are provided with ModSecurity by default. ModSecurity is a compact Apache module that does a grand job – it acts as a web app firewall program, efficiently securing your web sites against hacker attacks. What is even more everything takes place automatically, without you needing to configure or tweak anything. Your sites will be defended the moment you host them with us.


Remote MySQL Access

Remotely connect to your database

Setting up a remote MySQL database connection is generally pretty challenging with other hosting companies. Yet at Web-Wizards, we’ve rendered the procedure really simple – what you need to do is indicate the IP of the hostname you intend to give access and our clever system will take care of everything else. A remote MySQL connection can be quite useful if you wish to share a database between a group of sites.

Remote MySQL Access

VPN Access

Safe, anonymous web site browsing

If you want to stay truly anonymous whilst exploring the Internet, we offer you a simple and effective solution. With all our cloud web hosting plans, you’ll be able to acquire VPN access. We will forward your entire inbound and outbound traffic through one of our VPN data centers, making your electronic footprint untrackable. And you will have VPN access regardless of what web–connected device you are using.

VPN Access

  • Service guarantees

  • Web-Wizards’s bundles come with zero installation fees along with a 30 day money–back guarantee. Web-Wizards’s common reply–back time frame is twenty mins.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a look at our rates and select the perfect website hosting service for your personal or business sites. You’ll be able to move up to a more advanced plan with only a click of the mouse.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • Get in touch with us anytime during business hours on weekdays for just about any pre–sale or general queries about Web-Wizards’s service. Contact us at any moment.