A data center is a facility which keeps a large number of servers. The web servers can be employed for a number of functions - hosting, file and image storage, computing, and so on. All large firms which offer online services have their servers in one or numerous data centers because such a facility can provide the necessary environment and protection for the information kept on the hosting servers. Including environmental controls for the humidity and temperature in order to ensure the optimum performance and long life of the hosting servers, backup power generators, hardware monitoring and last, but not least, physical protection as to make certain that your data can't be accessed by an unauthorized third-party. A poorly performing data center could easily undermine the services which a business provides.

Data centers in Cloud Web Hosting

Our cloud web hosting servers are located in 5 of the biggest data centre facilities worldwide located in Chicago (USA), Coventry (UK), Pori (FI), Sofia (BG) and Sydney (AU). We provide exactly the same level of service everywhere because our state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform is available in all five of them, but for your convenience, you'll be able to choose the one you wish. The continuous functioning of your sites will be guaranteed by highly effective diesel backup generators and a number of backbone Internet providers which each one of the facilities uses within the particular country. The data centers have skilled technical support crews that monitor all servers 24/7 and considering that your websites shall be hosted on our state-of-the-art cluster platform, you can be certain that you shall enjoy speedy and reliable service at all times. All five facilities are available on the order page, so you could choose the one closer to you or to your target region.

Data centers in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our powerful semi-dedicated hosting plans are available in five data centers worldwide with the aim to offer you the chance to get the finest possible web hosting service for your Internet sites no matter where you or your website visitors are located. As soon as you reach the order page, you will be able to select Colohouse in the U.S., UK Servers in the United Kingdom, S3Company in Bulgaria, Ficolo in Finland or Amaze in AU. We have picked out these facilities as they offer exceptional services and are able to keep all servers that are part of our advanced cloud Internet hosting platform operational constantly and at their best capacity. Every single facility employs a number of backbone Internet providers with multi-gigabit routes, diesel generators and effective UPS units as a failsafe in case of an infrastructural problem. They all also have experienced 24/7 support teams that could easily react within minutes to any unexpected problem that presents itself. Using these data centers enables us to focus on bettering our services all the time, so we are able topresent you with the absolute best Internet hosting service for your sites.

Data centers in VPS

If you opt to get one of the KVM virtual private server solutions we offer you, you'll be able to pick the location of your account because we work with multiple different data centers wolrdwide. We have selected them simply because each one of them provides fantastic conditions for the top performance of our hosting servers, which subsequently means uninterrupted functioning of your Virtual Private Server. A number of Tier-3 Internet service providers, terabit connectivity, powerful UPS units and diesel generators are available in both data centers, so you will be able to receive the max power a virtual server can offer you. Because each and every facility has an expert technical crew, we are able to concentrate on developing our services and launching new ones rather than spending time and efforts on maintaining the hardware, which enables us to offer you a first-class Virtual Private Server hosting service.

Data centers in Dedicated Hosting

In the event that you need loads of computing power for your Internet sites and you get one of the dedicated server packages that we offer you, you'll be able to benefit from the wonderful service which our Chicago-based data center delivers. The Colohouse facility is where our dedicated servers are housed and hosting your websites there shall allow you to reach the entire North American continent with ease. Direct connections with the East and West Coasts, with a number of large cities in the region and even over the Atlantic guarantee the excellent access speeds to your data. Your hosting server shall never be unavailable as it shall have its own efficient UPS device that will keep it operating until 1.5 MW diesel power generators begin working in the event that there is a power failure. The 24/7 hosting server tech support team will react very quickly in the event that there's any problem with your machine and we have spares and whole backup hosting servers within the facility, so your websites will be up and running no matter what.