With an email forwarding enabled for any given address, all of the inbound email messages will be sent to a third-party address which you have chosen although the latter won't be in the list of recipients and also, the email sender will never be informed where their email goes. You can use this function if you have multiple email addresses because it will likely be easier to get all inbound e-mails in just a single email address instead of signing in and out of numerous ones at all times or setting up a variety of mail boxes in an e-mail client. If you run a company or perhaps an enterprise, the email forwarding is also a method to check all emails obtained by numerous departments for better coordination. It's also possible to make use of this function the other way around - a message sent to a standard mailbox can be forwarded to several people.

E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Web Hosting

It is very easy to create forwarding for any e-mail configured in a cloud web hosting account from us. This can be achieved either while you create a brand new mailbox in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or at any moment afterwards because the forwarding can be enabled and deactivated for every active mailbox with only a couple of clicks. It's also possible to decide if a copy of the incoming e-mails will be kept on our servers, which is a really valuable option. This can be a fail-safe if the remote email address is not available for whatever cause, not mentioning that you'll have always a copy of all of the messages. When this feature is not activated for a specific e-mail on our end, an incoming e-mail will be received and sent forward, so zero record of it will stay on the server. If the remote email address is unavailable for the moment, you'll lose this e-mail.

E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With a semi-dedicated server plan from us, it will take just a couple of mouse clicks to forward any of your email addresses located in the account to any third-party mailbox. You are able to achieve this through the feature-rich Email Manager part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and during the process you can also decide if a copy of your email messages needs to be maintained on our servers or not. The last feature is optional, however rather helpful as you will have a copy of your incoming e-mails, so whether or not anything occurs with the other email address, you simply won't lose any information. You'll be able to enable or deactivate the forwarding for every email address at any moment and forward the emails to a number of addresses if you would like. You'll be able to check out a listing of all email addresses that are forwarded as well as exactly where the email messages are being forwarded to.