In spite of the fact that the web hosting service provided by the different companies is more or less the same, each provider has their own platform with its own modifications and ways to accomplish certain procedures. In situations like this, an info-ridden knowledge base will be really useful both for persons with zero practical experience and for technically savvy individuals who will sooner or later learn how particular tasks are accomplished, but will lose some time meanwhile. The purpose of such a knowledge base is to make the service fast and easy to use, sparing users both time and effort. The consequence is happier clients, as they can easily find the info they need, and significantly less work for the help desk team representatives, because usually the majority of the questions and difficulties that clients have got are already listed in the knowledge base. On the condition that the articles are properly written and encompass more things, you will be able to find out more not only about your own account, but also about the web hosting service in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Web Hosting

Our cloud web hosting packages feature a detailed knowledge base where you can find info about all the obstacles that you might experience and their resolutions. You can discover how to set up and administer a mailing list, how to use an .htaccess file, or how to continue in case the settings of your email client are accurate, but still you’re unable to send emails, for instance. We’ve done our very best to be as thorough as possible and to encompass all possible options so as to save you time and energy and to provide you with different solutions for every single issue. The knowledge base contains informational articles as well – both general ones about the hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will inform you about the functions and features of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about specific features and functions in every Control Panel section, while if you wish to browse through the entire article collection, you can go to the all-encompassing Help section.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated packages feature exhaustive online documentation where you will find info about all the features that our custom Hepsia Control Panel comes with, plus solutions to different questions and difficulties that you might face. All user guides offer in-depth descriptions, so you will not need to worry about missing something if you would like to export a MySQL database, for example. The troubleshooting articles cover a range of likely reasons for particular problems and the solution for each and every one of them, so if you aren’t able to send emails even though you have the right settings, for example, you can swiftly discover what the reason for this could be and correct the problem with two or three clicks in your email client. As Hepsia offers quite a lot of features, you will be able to find relevant articles in each and every section. In case you would rather examine all help articles, you can use the Help menu, which is located in the upper right-hand side of the Control Panel.