Sender Policy Framework, or SPF, is a validation system, which is intended to stop the so-called email spoofing where an e-mail message is sent from one address, but to seem as being sent from a different, typically with the purpose to fraud the recipient in some way. If SPF protection is activated for a domain name, a special record is created for it in the Domain Name System and all of the DNS servers worldwide get it. The record contains all the mail servers that are allowed to send authentic messages from an email address within the domain. When an email is sent, the first DNS server it encounters checks the SPF record and when the sending server is authorized, the message is forwarded to the target receiver. If, however, the sending server doesn't exist in the SPF record for the specified domain, the message won't be submitted and it'll be removed. Whenever you use this solution, it'll prevent third parties from sending spam emails which appear to have been sent from you.

SPF Protection in Cloud Web Hosting

You are able to enable the SPF protection service for your domain names with a couple of clicks in the Hepsia Control Panel, which is provided with all of our Linux cloud web hosting packages. This is done from the section bearing the same name and you're able to set up the protection for any domain on our revolutionary cloud platform. Using a very time and effort saving interface, all you will have to enter is the hostname of the mail server which will be permitted to send out messages from your e-mails and its IPv4 or IPv6 address. Of course, you'll be able to add several servers too, if needed. If your emails are managed on our end, you can also take advantage of an even more secure option by setting a restriction that messages can be sent only when your domain names include our MX records. This solution can't be used if your site is hosted here, but the e-mail addresses are with a third-party provider. In either case, the SPF protection option will tremendously improve your web security and prevent others from counterfeiting your e-mail addresses.

SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The SPF protection function is available with all the Linux semi-dedicated packages, so when you host your domain names in an account on our cloud web hosting platform, you are able to use this particular service without difficulty for any of your domains. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with the semi-dedicated accounts, has a rather easy to use interface, so you do not have to be tech-savvy in order to protected your e-mails. You will simply have to type the hostname and the IP of each mail server that you would like to be allowed to send out e-mails from your addresses and immediately after that the updated record will be active for the domain name that you have chosen. As an additional option, we'll also allow you to limit your outgoing emails and secure your mailboxes further by permitting messages to be sent only if the domain name involved contains our MX records i.e. the email messages for the domain have to be managed by us and not by another supplier. By doing so you will enjoy even better control and there will not be any chances for someone to forge your e-mail addresses for malicious purposes.